"Never before have so many written so much to be read by so few."

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Innocent Video? Innocent Reaction? Innocent Anybody?

                I was doing pretty well, but I just can’t hold my literary tongue any longer.  This whole Innocence of Muslims issue is really beginning to bother me.  In case you have been living with your head tucked away someplace where nothing of importance can penetrate, let me briefly explain what has been happening in the world.
            A small group of people decided to make a film depicting Islam’s prophet Mohammed in a very unflattering way.  An English language trailer for this film was posted on YouTube in July, followed by an Arabic language one in September.  On September 11th, a well-organized attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya resulted in the death of four Americans, including the American ambassador to Libya.  At about the same time, Egyptians stormed the embassy in Cairo. Both attacks were reported to be in response to the video, but many suspect at least the Libyan attack had been planned ahead of time, since an Al-Qaeda spokesman stated the attack was retribution for the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi, an Al-Qaeda leader in Libya.  However, once word about the video got out, announced by many Muslim leaders, Muslims around the world staged protests and rioted (encouraged by Muslim clergy), citing the video as the cause, and several more American embassies were attacked.  Who, exactly, is responsible for the making of the film is still a little unclear.  It appears to have been the creation of Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a “Coptic Christian” (too lengthy an explanation for here; think “Eastern Orthodox”) immigrant from Egypt.  Nakoula was once convicted of manufacturing methamphetamine, and then served 21 months in prison for bank fraud.  This is only relevant in understanding why he has recently been detained by the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.  As part of his probation (or parole?), he is not allowed to use the internet.  Posting to YouTube would be a violation.
            So, what is it about this situation that has bothered me enough to take the time to post this blog?  Wow!  Where to start?  I guess first of all is the media’s unwillingness to accept the possibility that the video was an insignificant, even irrelevant piece of the story in the attack on the consulate in Libya.  By all accounts it was a well-planned, military style attack.  Al-Qaeda says it was retaliation for the death of one of its own.  The video was simply a convenient excuse that terrorist organization used to further inflame the general populous, thus the prolonged unrest in the region.  If anyone is to blame for the ongoing demonstrations and violent assaults, it’s Al-Qaeda!
            Next, I find myself in the unenviable position of defending a group of people I consider to be misguided at best, imbeciles at worst.  This whole effort to make this film appears to be directed toward infuriating about 25% of the world.  I can’t imagine they actually thought their approach would achieve anything remotely related to education or proselytization.  Yet, they are idiots…But, in this country we believe that speaking our minds is a God-given right.  Once we start down the road of allowing whatever political party in power at any given time to censor words they don’t like, we will always have to wonder when the government bus will be running us off that road into a ditch.  So, we allow idiots, the depraved, evil-doers and the demented to give speeches, write blogs, edit newspapers, air television shows and produce inflammatory, offensive films.  In our value system, it is better to allow their demonstrations of stupidity than to limit our own productions of wisdom.
            The government’s handling of the situation is also frustrating.  Governor Romney made a correct statement.  We should not be apologizing for the contents of our Bill of Rights.  I believe his timing was inappropriate, but his message was right on target.  I understand the desire to try to mollify the unhappy hoards, but hasn’t experience shown us they are not reasonable people?  When has mollification ever worked with them?  They are extremists, radicals, emotionally charged fanatics (Not unlike the film’s producers.  They are passengers on the same bus exiting through different doors).  They are ignorant concerning us, our values, our laws, and our history.  The new leader of Egypt, the man responsible for his government’s actions or inactions in controlling the mob that stormed our embassy, the one who makes the rules regarding diplomacy with other countries like ours, says he wants the video makers arrested.   He obviously hasn’t even the most basic understanding or our laws, or international law, since he initially made no effort to stop the storming of the embassy and has made no efforts to arrest those responsible.  Ignorant leaders like him have no credibility in my estimation.  Yet, those are the people we are stuck with at this time.
            Americans with knee-jerk reactions are irritating.  The many calls to cut off all money and/or relations with any country encouraging or not doing enough to stop the attacks on our sovereign nation (that’s what embassies and consulates are) do not understand the ramifications of such actions or don’t care about the ramifications.  Our aid to these countries is, whether you like the term or not, a bribe to keep them from running to our enemies for that aid.  Push them into that camp and we will have much bigger problems with which to deal.  Take a deep breath.  Think about what is best for long-term absence of war.  Diplomacy is very much like walking a tightrope with no net.  Lean too far either direction and we fall.
            Life in this world can be infuriating!  The only reason I am not yanking out the rest of my thinning hair is because, in spite of how aggravating the world can be, I know none of it changes the mandate I have from God.  I will continue trying to live a life pleasing to him, working for justice and trying to bring real peace to those in turmoil.  Nothing changes that.  But some days are more difficult than others.

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