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Saturday, December 15, 2012

C'mon People. Show Some Class

AP Photo
                Those of you who know me know my stand on gun control.  But that is not what I want to opine about here.  And I won’t be posting any pithy pro-gun posters on my Facebook timeline in the near future.
                I am deeply disturbed when, before the blood of those innocent children at Sandy Hook School is dry, people are making political statements about gun control.  I am equally disturbed by those who want more restrictions as those who want more freedom.  Before any news outlet had even determined the correct name of the shooter, I read a Facebook post advocating more restrictions.  The photo above was used by a news outlet in an article about gun control the day of the incident.  We still don’t know much about him, or why he would do what he did, or how he had access to his mother’s weapons, or what state of mental health he was in, or how he got into the school, or just about anything else.  But that hasn’t stopped people from seizing the opportunity to turn this into a political cause.
                I will admit that the first several references to defending our 2nd Amendment rights were in response to anti-gun remarks.  However, I am now seeing pro-gun remarks appearing as well, apparently not in response to any specific articles to the contrary. 
                Can’t we at least wait until we have most of the facts?  Would it really hurt anyone’s political cause to refrain from comment until we have heard the names and seen the faces of the innocent dead?  Shouldn’t we focus, for at least a week or so, on the grief of those affected by this incident?  Why can’t we stop the polarizing declarations and attacks long enough to mourn together?  Have we really become so jaded that we can trample on the misery of those so deeply affected by such a horrific action just to make some political point?
                My opinions about gun control, freedoms, restrictions, poor parenting, violent games, or drug abuse are irrelevant right now, and my exposition concerning them would be irreverent at this time.  Praying for the families of the dead and the children exposed to this horror seem to be the only appropriate action right now.

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