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Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Pastor, the Imam, the Quran and America

     This story has gotten much more attention than it deserves, and it has more twists and switchbacks than the trail up Mt. Whitney (so I've been told).  Yesterday Imam Rauf told the chick filling in for Larry King that he can't stop the building of the so-called Ground Zero Mosque because it would inflame Muslim terrorists.  So, I guess America and Americans aren't not allowed to make any decisions or take any actions without getting permission from Muslim terrorists first. 
     Pastor Jones wants to burn some copies of the Quran to inflame Muslim terrorists.  He will likely end up inflaming previously moderate Muslims.  Today he proclaimed that he will not be burning any Qurans because he and Imam Rauf agreed that the mosque would not be built near Ground Zero.  Almost immediately spokespeople for the imam denied any such agreement, so the book burning may be back on.
     The Gainesville fire department says they will prevent the burning because a burn permit has been denied.
     Upset Muslims around the world have already burned American flags and called for the killing of American citizens, and a match has not even been struck yet. 
     Here's an observation:  Moderate Muslims have not been very vocal about their supposed opposition to the activities of radical Muslims like Al Qaeda and the Taliban.  Now we know why.  Imam Rauf, a leader of what he would like us to belief are mainstream, peace-loving Muslims, is afraid of the terrorists and therefore won't take any action that might inflame them.
     Another observation:  I used a form of inflame 5 times in this post.  That's about 2% of this article.

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